Resource:School Bus Rear Door Evacuation Drills

Bus Driver Responsibilities

  • Turn off the bus engine and set hand brake during bus drills.
  • Stand up, face the students and tell them this is a rear door bus evacuation drill.
  • Instruct a student in the rear of the bus to open the emergency door.
  • Have two students leave first and stand outside at the door to assist students off.
  • Drivers should stand at the rear door during drills to help assure student safety.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students should exit the bus through the emergency rear door.
  • It’s important for students to sit on the edge of the floor at the emergency door exit and then slide off the bus with the help of the assistants, not jump off the bus.
  • Students should hand items to students who have been assigned to assist before exiting out the door.
  • If a student has a physical problem inhibiting his/her mobility, allow him/her to leave the bus through the service door after the other students are out.
  • Students are then to proceed into school or to a safe location identified by the bus driver or onsite emergency responder.