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    Your passion is our purpose. We’d be honored to help you keep your school safe along the journey of making a difference in the lives of others.


How strong is your school’s roof? A checklist to help prevent costly repairs

Help ensure your school's roof is protected against seasonal risks by prioritizing inspections and preventative maintenance.

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The importance of insurance beneficiaries
By The Glatfelter Team on February 29, 2024

How you can help protect your most important asset: your people, and how to help them set up their insurance benefits so that they reflect their wishes.

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Pipe freeze prevention: 15 tips to help your school avoid this costly risk

Consider these best practices to avoid significant property damage, costly repairs and potential interruptions to your school day due to pipe freezing.

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Employment Practices 101
By Glatfelter Insurance Group on September 25, 2023

It’s crucial to understand the fundamentals of employment practices, why they’re important and ways you use them to help protect your organization and your most important asset, your...

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Safety first: tips for making your school’s playground a safer place to play

How often are you inspecting your school's playground? Here are a few tips to remember to help keep your students out of harm's way.

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Emergency planning: is your school prepared for severe weather?

Seconds matter when severe weather strikes—making preparation the best protection. Use these tips to help strengthen your school's preparedness plans.

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Is your school secured against cyber threats?

There may not be a one-size-fits-all solution to preventing a cyberattack, but there are plenty of best practices that can help reduce your school's risk.

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You serve all types of citizens—but does your website? Find out.

It’s important to make sure your website is able to serve everyone—or you could find yourself in legal, financial or reputational trouble.

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Teacher burnout: 4 ways school leaders can better support their teams

As teachers continue to take on more this year, school leaders should keep teacher burnout top-of-mind. Consider these 4 tips to better support your team.

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Virtual summer school: 4 ways to support student well-being

You may not be able to physically see your students, but there are strategies you can put into place to help support their well-being. Consider these 4 tips.

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The Coronavirus: What do I Need to Know?
By The Glatfelter Team on March 3, 2020

We’ve pulled together the latest recommendations for schools, healthcare facilities, worship centers, municipalities and emergency responders.

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Improving reading proficiency: is science the answer?

The results of the Nation's Report Card showed declining reading scores countrywide. Could it be time for schools to re-evaluate their teaching methods?

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Feeling blue? 3 ways to help combat wintertime depression

Are you experiencing symptoms of seasonal affective disorder? Consider these 3 techniques to help lift your mood and make positive changes.

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Be your best advocate: 10 useful websites for educators

These 10 websites can help you stay up-to-date with current trends, better support your school and continue pushing your students toward success.

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Flexible instructional days give schools the option to go cyber

Cyber snow days: if your school is debating whether or not to adopt this program, take a moment to evaluate these important considerations.

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3 steps to help you reduce anxiety and stress—now
By Lindsey Elias, Marketing on September 12, 2019

Although it's impossible to completely remove stress from your life, practice these quick tips to reduce stress and anxiety.

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5 amazing benefits of being a lifelong learner
By Lindsey Elias, Marketing on August 15, 2019

There are plenty of benefits that come from stimulating your mind, so when you're boosting your students' brain functions, don't forget about yourself.

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The secret to growth and success: getting uncomfortable
By Lindsey Elias, Marketing on July 4, 2019

Although easy, staying in your comfort zone can do more harm than good. Push yourself to experience new things — the benefits could prove worthy.

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School bus safety: 3 critical components to any safety policy

Being a bus driver is no easy task. And because accidents happen — implementation of a safety policy is critical. Don't overlook these important elements.

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6 chemical management tips for your school laboratories
By The Glatfelter Team on May 2, 2019

Science experiments are a sight to see — but they also carry a lot of risk. Do you have these details included in your Chemical Management Plan?

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A summer program to remember: 4 elements to consider

Summer programs give your students the opportunity to stay active and explore their interests. Whether your programs are indoors or outdoors, don't forget about the associated risks. Keep...

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Snow and ice removal: 4 quick tips for your school property

Kids are always excited for potential snow days, but what if the decision is made to keep your school open? Do you have a formal snow and ice removal policy in place to ensure the safety of...

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See something, say something: Keeping students and parents informed on cyberbullying reporting

As our society becomes more dependent on technology, cyber-bullying becomes a more frequent issue. Online harassment can have detrimental effects on our youth, so consider these tips when...

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Too cold for school? Know when cold is too cold for your students

School officials - it can be hard to know when it's too cold for school. There are many factors to consider when making the decision to close your institution due to temperatures. Consider...

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Addressing cyberbullying in your school

Cyberbullying may mainly occur at home, but statistics prove that these experiences carry over to school grounds. Know the signs and effects of cyberbullying to educate yourself and take...

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3 cybersecurity tips: How to outsmart the hackers
By The Glatfelter Team on September 20, 2018

Protecting the data of your students, faculty and staff is incredibly important. A breach of your cybersecurity efforts could happen to your school. There are a few simple ways to protect...

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Stay better prepared and stay better protected
By The Glatfelter Team on September 10, 2018

Use these critical tips to help prepare and protect yourself and your home from hurricanes, floods and tropical storms. Hurricane season can cause downpours, strong winds, flash flooding...

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Tips for active school shooter preparation, response and recovery
By The Glatfelter Team on August 15, 2018

Did you know that 60 percent of mass shootings end before police forces and emergency services arrive? It's very important to initiate a school-wide effort to be prepared to respond to an...

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Can kids learn and grow safely on your playground?
By Brittany Wolf, Marketing on August 1, 2018

Playgrounds offer lots of value to youth, so it's imperative that these places where kids can learn and grow are protected. A safe playground is supervised, regulated, inspected and built...

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6 tips to guard against sexual abuse
By The Glatfelter Team on July 20, 2018

A child abuse report is made every 10 seconds in the U.S. Protect your students and school with an effective sexual abuse policy and prevention plan. Always remember the responsibility of...

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