• Emergency Services

    Emergency Services

    As many of our staff are fellow first responders, we live, respect and protect the emergency services community. We’ve suited up to help protect you from the risks you face during your mission to save lives.

Emergency Services

New Supervisors = New Risks
By The VFIS Team on June 11, 2024

Here are 4 tips to help new mid-level managers step up to the challenge.

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Emergency Services

This all-too-common occurrence is costing EMS agencies all too much!
By The VFIS Team on June 4, 2024

This is the #1 claim that our emergency services clients are facing... And it's preventable!

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Emergency Services

This technology could pose legal risks to emergency responders—anytime, anywhere.

In today’s day and age—we’re being watched and recorded, almost always.

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Emergency Services

A Wealth of Knowledge on Emergency Services Finances
By The VFIS Team on May 23, 2024

Q&A: Insights to help emergency services leaders plan, develop and manage their budgets.

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Emergency Services

Training & Resources for Modern First Responders

Let’s face it. This isn’t your grandparents’ emergency service organization.

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Emergency Services

From 6 Volunteers to Fully-Staffed in 6 Years
By The VFIS Team on May 16, 2024

Real-life tips to help your emergency service organization recruit and retail more volunteers.

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Emergency Services

The importance of insurance beneficiaries
By The Glatfelter Team on February 29, 2024

How you can help protect your most important asset: your people, and how to help them set up their insurance benefits so that they reflect their wishes.

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Emergency Services

What is agreed value?
By The VFIS Team on December 8, 2023

Agreed value eliminates many of the downsides that emergency service organizations may experience from traditional auto policies.

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Emergency Services

8 Dimensions of Wellness for Firefighters, EMS Personnel + 911 Dispatchers
By The VFIS Team on December 5, 2023

Consider this multi-faceted approach to help your emergency services personnel prevent, cope with and recover from behavioral health concerns.

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Emergency Services

Employment Practices 101
By Glatfelter Insurance Group on September 25, 2023

It’s crucial to understand the fundamentals of employment practices, why they’re important and ways you use them to help protect your organization and your most important asset, your...

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Emergency Services

Providing Meaningful Support to Your Firefighters + Their Families
By The VFIS Team on August 23, 2023

Check out this program that's designed to support the health and wellness of first responder employees, volunteers and the workplace.

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Emergency Services

Station Conversation: What’s Trending in Fire + EMS
By The VFIS Team on June 9, 2023

Here’s a round-up of 4 new-and-evolving topics in emergency services—and reasons why you may want to pay attention to them.

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Emergency Services

9 Lessons your emergency service organization doesn’t have to learn the hard way
By The VFIS Team on June 6, 2023

Challenges other fire departments, EMS agencies and 911 centers have faced—and how you can help avoid them.

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Emergency Services

5 Acronyms first responders can use when delivering bad news
By The VFIS Team on May 12, 2023

These conversations are difficult for everyone involved and, as the message-deliverer, you play an especially critical role in guiding the conversation.

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Emergency Services

Is your fire department exclusive or inclusive?

How the cumulative effects of exclusionary behavior could negatively impact your volunteer and employee retention rates—and 7 ways leaders can promote a more inclusive culture.

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Emergency Services

The route to roadway safety for emergency service organizations
By The VFIS Team on December 12, 2022

Let’s take a look at the roadway hazards your crew faces and review how your ESO can implement policies to help address them.

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Emergency Services

What emergency responders should know about Sensory Processing Disorder
By The VFIS Team on December 9, 2022

While you're familiar with the stimulating experiences of emergency calls, these stimuli could have serious impacts for those with SPD.

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Emergency Services

10 Quick training tips for your emergency service organization
By The VFIS Team on December 7, 2022

Our Education, Training and Consulting team members share their top tips for emergency service organizations.

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Emergency Services

Intersection Safety During Emergency Response
By The VFIS Team on June 7, 2022

Why written training, policies and procedures are so important for intersections—and how to develop effective guidelines to help your emergency service organization address this risk.

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Emergency Services

Severe Weather Resources for Emergency Service Organizations
By The VFIS Team on June 6, 2022

These storms can bring a variety of risks, and when you’re expected to continue to answer and respond to 911 calls during them—the tensions can be high.

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Emergency Services

13 Steps to help reduce firefighter cancer risks
By The VFIS Team on June 3, 2022

While the risks are undeniably scary, there are policies and procedures you can implement today to help address cancer within your fire department.

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Emergency Services

­­Houston…Our Policy is the Problem.

Why policies, procedures & guidelines exist in emergency services—and how to make sure yours are being followed.

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Emergency Services

3 Heart Healthy Tips for Firefighters and Paramedics

While the statistics are scary, the good news is that there are things we can all do to better understand the risks and help improve our heart health.

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Emergency Services

How Drivers + Spotters Can Help Prevent Fixed Object Strikes in Emergency Vehicles

Fixed object strikes are among the most common types of emergency vehicle incidents.

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Emergency Services

Tackling the stress of the daily grind.
By The VFIS Team on December 28, 2021

Lack of sleep, missing holidays, increasing negative interactions with the public, administrative problems and struggling relationships are just some of the daily pressures that you may...

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Emergency Services

Behavioral Health 101
By The VFIS Team on December 22, 2021

Behavioral Health: What it is, why it's important and where you can learn more.

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Emergency Services

The Deep Devastation of Wildfires

An insider’s view of wildland firefighting and it’s mental health impacts.

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Emergency Services

Emergency Responder Suicide: The statistics, risks and prevention tips
By The VFIS Team on December 21, 2021

Together we can help prevent suicide.

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Emergency Services

The Role, Responsibility + Risks of Emergency Service Board Members

If you serve a board in any capacity—there are risks. We're breaking down what you should know.

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Emergency Services

1 to 5: How many stars would you give your drivers?

How your emergency service organization can implement a comprehensive driving program to achieve 5-star drivers.

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Emergency Services

You serve all types of citizens—but does your website? Find out.

It’s important to make sure your website is able to serve everyone—or you could find yourself in legal, financial or reputational trouble.

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Emergency Services

Emergency Vehicle Rollover Prevention
By Scott Harkins, Risk Control on February 12, 2021

Emergency vehicle rollovers continue to be an all-too-frequent cause of vehicle damage, serious injuries and fatalities.

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Emergency Services

6 Tools to Help You Address Roadway Safety

Thorough preplanning, ongoing training and strict adherence of procedures might not be your favorite parts of the job, but they make a difference.

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Emergency Services

How one fire department improved their safety efforts—and you can too.
By The VFIS Team on February 8, 2021

Check out the award-winning safety steps one fire department made to help protect their members.

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Emergency Services

Tips for Fighting Invisible Threats During EMS Response
By The VFIS Team on December 29, 2020

Let’s talk about one of the most common invisible threats EMS personnel face: pathogens.

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Emergency Services

Top Behavioral Health Concerns for Fire Chiefs and EMS Leaders
By The VFIS Team on August 13, 2020

Being exposed to hazards is an inherent part of your job but that doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences.

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Emergency Services

Crisis Planning For Emergency Service Organizations
By The VFIS Team on July 9, 2020

You can start to manage a crisis before it ever occurs by proactively creating a plan that outlines how you’ll prepare for, respond to and recover.

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Emergency Services

How + When to Transition: Volunteer to Combo or Career Fire Department
By The VFIS Team on June 15, 2020

Q&A about the challenges fire departments may face and how to help to overcome them.

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Emergency Services

6 Ways to Help EMS Agencies Fight Fatigue
By The VFIS Team on June 10, 2020

While there is no simple (or one-size-fits-all) solution to the problem – simply muscling-up to the occasion is not the answer.

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Emergency Services

Have you considered this new highway safety technique?

Firefighters and EMS personnel are being struck along America’s roadways at alarming rates – here are a few ways you can help protect your crew.

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Emergency Services

Cybersecurity: How You Can Help Protect Your Communication Center
By The VFIS Team on June 4, 2020

What your emergency service organization should know about cybersecurity.

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Emergency Services

Where firefighters can find respiratory protection resources

Firefighter training resources and SOGs for respiratory protection including proper use and fit-testing of self-contained breathing apparatus.

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Emergency Services

What your department should know about Class B firefighting foams
By Scott Harkins, Risk Control on April 2, 2020

Addressing firefighter training on firefighting foams

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Emergency Services

The Coronavirus: What do I Need to Know?
By The Glatfelter Team on March 3, 2020

We’ve pulled together the latest recommendations for schools, healthcare facilities, worship centers, municipalities and emergency responders.

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Emergency Services

An Overlooked Volunteer Fire Department Funding Opportunity
By The VFIS Team on February 20, 2020

From starting a rural community fire protection plan to developing an emergency preparedness program: it comes down to volunteer fire department funding.

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Emergency Services

Is your emergency service organization telling the right story?

How fire departments can harness the power of storytelling to inspire action and best practices to build an effective message.

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Emergency Services

How an innovative Montana fire station is inspiring change
By The VFIS Team on December 16, 2019

The station has a dedicated focus on holistic health and wellness — unprecedented (but greatly needed) across the industry.

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Emergency Services

The chilling truth about the winter blues
By The VFIS Team on December 12, 2019

If you're experiencing more than the winter blues, you could be one of the half a million people in the U.S. suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder.

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Emergency Services

Where can I find cancer prevention resources for my fire department?
By The VFIS Team on December 10, 2019

To find resources designed specifically for emergency responders, check out ResponderHelp.com — an emergency responder's one-stop, free resource!

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Emergency Services

Have you heard about the latest NY state LOSAP changes?
By The Glatfelter Team on November 12, 2019

How volunteer fire + EMS departments can use a LOSAP, also known as a Length of Service Award Program, to help recruit and retain members.

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Emergency Services

4 Tips for managing first responder stress
By Abby Astrachan on November 7, 2019

Suffering from work-related stress? Being mindful about these 4 simple, everyday techniques can help you dramatically reduce it.

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Emergency Services

What is Alabama HB360 and does it apply to my fire department?
By The VFIS Team on October 28, 2019

HB360 is a long-awaited Law that puts the needs of firefighters at the forefront, requiring paid departments to provide cancer coverage benefits.

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Emergency Services

Cancer in the fire service: what we should know + what we should do
By The VFIS Team on October 10, 2019

How your fire department can help prevent, detect and protect against cancer!

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Emergency Services

What is ResponderHelp.com and how can it help emergency responders?
By The VFIS Team on August 9, 2019

Frequently asked questions about ResponderHelp.com – an emergency responder’s one-stop free resource.

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Emergency Services

How to help recognize + combat emergency responder PTSD
By The Glatfelter Team on July 11, 2019

Fires, medical emergencies, natural disasters, accidents, terrorist acts — the community calls you to scenes filled with trauma. And it comes with a cost.

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Emergency Services

First responder safety: are we on the right path?
By Cory Hohs on May 16, 2019

Most people understand that firefighters face danger as a part of their jobs, but many aren’t aware of how much danger they face just from other drivers.

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Emergency Services

Fire + EMS Burnout: Causes, Signs + Effects
By The Glatfelter Team on March 28, 2019

Burnout is a psychological response to chronic work stress. Given the stressful and traumatic situations that firefighters and EMTs often face, it's not surprising that burnout is common in...

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Emergency Services

Emergency Responder Heart Health: What you need to know to protect yourself
By Lindsey Elias, Marketing on February 25, 2019

If you’re in a position where you regularly put both your mind and body on the line—how can you best protect yourself? There are a few important things that you can incorporate into your...

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Emergency Services

The State of Safety: Pediatric Patients + Ambulance Transportation

Over 1 million pediatric patients are transported by ambulances nationwide each year. Even though we are now well-aware of the risks associated with pediatric passengers, many states lack...

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Emergency Services

How to implement a wellness program in your fire department
By The Glatfelter Team on December 27, 2018

Fire chiefs can help promote the mental and physical health of their volunteer firefighters by implementing a wellness program. Taking a comprehensive approach, making a team-wide...

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